
One who takes great pleasure in opening the door for others to experience Jesus

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Your role as a Door Holder will be to make a way for all attendees to experience Jesus. To help make that possible, you will be placed on a specific team at Passion Camp, such as Logistics, Parking, Registration, Experience, or Resources and will have specific responsibilities throughout the week. Because we believe that WE > ME, we ask that you be available to serve in a variety of capacities outside of your team's primary responsibility.


  • Must be 18 years or older to serve.
  • Must be available to serve for the entirety of the week.

Door holder experience


Door Holders are asked to arrive on Sunday, July 13, for Door Holder Check-in at 7p. After Check-in, all Door Holders will gather for a mandatory kick-off meeting before meeting with their teams for team training.


Monday will be all about registration and welcoming student groups to Passion Camp. We'll start the day with Passion Camp Registration Training, and then we will spend the afternoon assisting groups as they arrive. From there, we will split up into individual Team Meetings before joining together in the Ocean Center to kick off Passion Camp with the first Main Session! Following the Main Session, we will stay in the Ocean Center to set up for the next day.

Tuesday - Thursday

Each morning, we will begin with a Door Holder meeting to run through the game plan and prepare our hearts. From there, we will finish setting up for the upcoming day and begin welcoming attendees into Squad Wars and the Main Session. During the Main Session, Door Holders will begin preparing for lunch distribution. Groups will remain in the Ocean Center for the Main Session while all Door Holders leave to prepare for lunch. After lunch, we will set up for the evening Main Sessions, and then there will be free time to experience Daytona Beach! We'll all return in the evening to host attendees for dinner and the evening Main Sessions.


We'll finish loading out of the Ocean Center on Thursday night, so you will be released at the end of the evening and are free to head home on Friday! There is no Passion Camp programming on Friday.

Door holder perks

  • Lunch and dinner will be provided each day starting Monday, July 14.
  • Starting on Tuesday, each day there will be free time to go experience Daytona Beach!
  • Each Door Holder will receive Door Holder T-Shirts for the week.


Who can apply to be a Door Holder at Passion Camp?

You may apply to be a Door Holder if you are over the age of 18 and at least one year removed from High School. For the gathering to be possible, we need Door Holders who are willing to serve throughout the entire week in various roles. Part-time positions are not available.

What is the schedule for serving as a Door Holder?

Your schedule for Passion Camp will depend on your specific team assignment, which will be communicated by your Team Lead. Because we believe that WE > ME, we ask that you be available to serve in a variety of capacities outside of your team's primary responsibility throughout the week. Part-time Door Holder roles are not available.

Where should I stay?

All Door Holders are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements during Passion Camp. Once your Door Holder application is accepted, you will have the opportunity to join our Passion Camp Door Holder Facebook group to connect with other Door Holders. If interested, this is a great place to find a roommate for Passion Camp. We strongly advise that you wait to make any non-refundable travel plans until you receive your team assignment.

Is there daily transportation provided to and from the venue?

All Door Holders are responsible for their own transportation to and from the venue.

Which meals are provided for Door Holders?

Lunch and dinner will be provided each day starting Monday, July 14.

When will I need to arrive at Passion Camp if I am a Door Holder?

You will need to arrive in time for the mandatory Door Holder meeting which will take place on the evening of Sunday, July 13.

When will I be released after Passion Camp ends?

We'll finish loading out of the Ocean Center on Thursday night, so you will be free to head home anytime on Friday, July 18!

Can college students be Door Holders?

Yes! Passion Camp is a great place for College Students to have the opportunity to serve as Door Holders.

What if I am accepted as a Door Holder but then unable to serve?

We realize that emergencies sometimes arise and alter your availability to serve. If you apply and later find out that you cannot serve, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can fill your position. Teams experience significant challenges if notice is not given, so the earlier you can let us know, the better.

Other Questions?

Click here to contact us.

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